Workplace Violence Restraining Orders: Importance For Employee Protection
  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Workplace violence is a serious concern that can disrupt a safe work environment and cause significant harm to employees. To combat this, a workplace violence restraining order (WVRO) serves as a critical tool for ensuring the safety and security of workers.

It is a legal injunction that prevents an individual from making contact or coming near the workplace of the petitioner. This type of order is specifically designed to protect employees from threats, harassment, stalking, or physical violence that can occur at work.

The Legal Framework for WVROs

Under California law, employers can file a WVRO on behalf of their employees without requiring the employee to take individual legal action. This is important in situations where employees might feel intimidated or fearful of retaliation if they were to act on their own. The process involves filing a petition in court, demonstrating evidence of violence or credible threats of violence.

Benefits of Workplace Violence Restraining Orders

Implementing a WVRO can have numerous benefits for both the safety of employees and the overall workplace climate:

  • Prevention of Harm: By legally barring the threatening individual from entering the workplace, WVROs actively prevent potential incidents of violence.
  • Legal Recourse: They provide a clear legal recourse for dealing with individuals who pose a threat to employee safety.
  • Supportive Work Environment: Knowing that measures are in place to ensure their safety helps employees feel supported and secure.

Challenges in Obtaining a WVRO

While beneficial, obtaining a WVRO can come with challenges. The burden of proof can be high, as employers must demonstrate that there has been a credible threat or actual violence. This often requires detailed documentation and, sometimes, eyewitness accounts. The legal process can also be overwhelming without proper legal guidance.

Steps Employers Can Take

To effectively implement workplace violence restraining orders, employers should:

  • Establish clear policies regarding workplace violence.
  • Educate employees about the signs of potential violence and the procedures for reporting it.
  • Keep detailed records of any incidents that could support a case for a WVRO.

Employee Roles in Maintaining Safety

Employees also play a key role in maintaining workplace safety. Reporting unusual or threatening behavior promptly can aid in the early detection and prevention of more serious incidents. Cooperation during the investigation and legal processes can help ensure that protective measures are put in place effectively.

Workplace Harassment? Act Now with a Violence Restraining Order

A workplace violence restraining order is an essential safety measure. Employers must take proactive steps to protect their workforce and maintain a secure working environment.

At Sirmabekian Law Firm, we understand the critical importance of a safe work environment. If you’re facing threats or harassment at work, a workplace violence restraining order might be necessary to ensure your safety. Our skilled harassment lawyers specialize in securing these orders, helping to protect employees from potential harm.

Don’t wait for the situation to escalate. Contact us today at or visit our website for a free case evaluation. Let us help you maintain your right to a safe workplace. Your safety and security are our top priorities.

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