Posted By Sirmabekian
Signs It’s Time To Hire An Employment Discrimination Lawyer In California
To support ourselves and our families, most of us have to work. Unfortunately, it’s all too common to experience employment discrimination in the United States today. It can be emotionally devastating to experience discrimination. On an individual’s career, work opportunities, and self-esteem, it can have a negative effect. However, thousands of employees have been assisted by anti-discrimination laws. If you have been discriminated against, it’s time to contact an employment discrimination lawyer.
To protect individuals from employment discrimination, the FEHA (Fair Employment and Housing Act) was enacted in California. Barring the inability of an individual to perform their job as required, employers cannot generally discriminate in their compensation, firing, promotion, and hiring practices.
Have you been discriminated against?
How to Tell If You’ve Been the Victim of Discrimination
There are protected classes of employees and job applicants. Their classification makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against them. If you don’t have a full understanding of it, however, employment discrimination can be subtle and go undetected.
In the workplace, possible discrimination signs include the following:
- Within a company, management has failed to put a stop to or condemn racist or sexist jokes
- Simply because an individual has an ethnic-sounding name, an employer will not consider them as an applicant
- Where employees of different backgrounds are concerned, different rule enforcement depending on their background
- Making fun of someone’s accent or sexual orientation
- Exclusion from events and meetings
- Reduced hours or reduced pay
- Sudden, unexpected changes in job performance reviews
- Change in work duties or workload increases
Who Is Protected?
The FEHA in California specifies the following protected classes. Based on the following, an individual cannot be discriminated against by an employer:
- Veteran and military status
- Marital status
- Gender expression
- Genetic information
- Sexual orientation
- Gender identity
- Physical disability
- Mental disability
- Medical condition
- Religious creed
- National origin
- Ancestry
- Gender
- Age
- Sex
- Race
- Color
Remember that minorities are not the only people who are discriminated against. It is possible for someone to be discriminated against simply because an employer favors someone else who is a member of their protected or unprotected class. An example would be a female boss giving special treatment to other females and discriminating against male employees.
Further FEHA Discrimination Provisions
In any aspect of employment, the FEHA says that an individual cannot be discriminated against by:
- Refusal to choose a specific person for training
- Discharging or firing an employee
- Refusal to employ or hire someone
Additionally, an individual cannot be discriminated against involving conditions, terms, or privileges of employment, or in compensation.
In any aspect of employment or hiring, workplace discrimination is also prohibited including:
- In any way, discriminating against an individual
- Making an employee resign
- Assigning different duties
- Demotion
- Reduced pay
- Denial of a promotion
- Denying reinstatement
- Refusing benefits
- Refusing to choose someone for training
- Denying employees reasonable accommodation
- In a good faith and timely interactive process, refusing to engage with employees needing accommodation
So, does anything above sound familiar? Are you the victim of discrimination in the workplace?
Do You Feel You May Have Been Discriminated Against?
If you feel that you have been discriminated against by a company, or by an individual, it’s time to contact the professional attorneys at Sirmabekian Law Firm. Our experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated attorneys will aggressively handle companies that may be in violation of discrimination laws in California. It doesn’t matter to us how big or small the company is.
Contact us today to discuss your case or for a free consultation.