Legal Remedies For Harassment In The Workplace
  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Harassment in the workplace can severely impact an employee’s well-being and productivity. It’s essential to recognize that there are remedies for harassment in the workplace. Employees should not endure a hostile work environment but instead, take steps to protect their rights. Seeking legal remedies can help ensure that justice is served and that the workplace remains a safe and respectful environment for everyone.

Identifying Different Types of Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment can manifest in various forms, making it vital for employees to identify these behaviors. Sexual harassment is one of the most recognized forms, involving unwelcome advances, requests for sexual benefits, or other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Non-sexual harassment can include bullying, intimidation, and threats, which create a hostile work environment.

Another form of harassment is discriminatory harassment, which targets individuals based on race, gender, age, religion, or disability. This can include offensive jokes, slurs, epithets, or name-calling, as well as physical assaults or threats. Harassment based on an employee’s protected characteristics is illegal and should be reported immediately.

Employee Rights Under Harassment Protection Laws

Employees have specific rights under federal and state harassment protection laws. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on color, religion, race, sex, and national origin. This law also protects against sexual harassment, providing employees with a legal avenue to address such issues.

California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) offers additional protections against workplace harassment. This state law covers a broader range of protected characteristics and provides more comprehensive remedies for victims. Employees should be aware of these rights to ensure they are fully protected under the law.

Steps to Report Harassment to Employers

Reporting workplace harassment to your employer is a critical step in addressing the issue. Start by documenting the incidents, including dates, times, locations, and any witnesses. This information can be crucial when filing a complaint. Employees should follow their company’s reporting procedures, which typically involve notifying a supervisor or human resources representative.

If the harassment continues or if the employer fails to take appropriate action, employees can escalate the issue by filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or a similar state agency.

Filing a Legal Claim for Workplace Harassment

Filing a legal claim for workplace harassment involves several steps. After reporting the harassment to your employer and filing a complaint with the EEOC, you may receive a “Right to Sue” letter, allowing you to pursue a lawsuit. It is crucial to gather all relevant evidence, including documentation of the harassment, witness statements, and any correspondence related to the incidents. Consulting with an experienced employment lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of filing a legal claim.

Sirmabekian Law Firm is dedicated to protecting employees’ rights. If you face harassment at work, our California employment lawyer team can provide the legal support you need. We offer free consultations to discuss your case and explore the best strategies for your situation. Our experienced sexual harassment lawyer is here to help you seek justice and ensure a safe workplace.

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