• Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Uncovering Tactics Employers Use To Hide Overtime Violations

Is your employer guilty of hiding overtime violations? How do you spot it? On the topic of employment law, one of the biggest issues is the failure of employers to properly compensate their workers for overtime hours. Despite the legal mandates requiring fair payment for overtime ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

The Advantages Of Hiring An Overtime Employment Attorney

Issues related to unpaid wages and overtime payments have become increasingly prevalent in today’s world. Whether due to misunderstandings, deliberate violations, or systemic issues within a company, employees often find themselves dealing with the challenge of securing fair compensation for their extra hours of work. At ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Tackling Missing Wages: A Guide To Discussing With Your Employer

Missing wages can be a frustrating and financially burdensome issue for any employee. Whether it’s due to errors in payroll processing, problems with overtime calculations, or simply oversight, addressing missing wages requires clear communication and understanding between you and your employer. In this guide, we’ll look ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Racial Discrimination In Large Firms: The Hard Truth

Racial discrimination in large firms persists in various facets of society. Despite progress in civil rights legislation and corporate diversity initiatives, many employees can still face systemic biases and unfair treatment based on their race.  The following looks at the pervasive issue of racial discrimination within ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

Inconvenient Work Schedules: Discrimination Or Operational Necessity?

The issue of inconvenient work schedules in today’s work environment has become increasingly prevalent. Employees across various industries often find themselves struggling with schedules that disrupt their work-life balance and overall well-being. While some argue that such schedules are necessary for operational efficiency, others view them ...

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  • Posted By Sirmabekian
  • 2024

5 Steps To Take Against Age Discrimination At Work

Age discrimination at work is a common issue that can affect all employees. It occurs when a person is treated unfavorably due to their age in various employment aspects. These can include hiring, promotions, job assignments, training opportunities, or termination.  Recognizing signs of age discrimination is ...

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